Show Your Support

As a horror film critic running my own website, I don’t make a dime doing what I love. I’m driven by my passion for the genre and wanting to highlight the films most big-name critics and publications ignore or look down on. You can show your support by buying Blogging Banshee merch, making a donation, or by purchasing something from my Amazon wishlist.

Be sure to visit The Blogging Banshee Shop featuring Banshee logo designs as well as a growing number of shirts featuring Women in Horror. These designs can be purchased in multiple styles. Don’t forget to follow the shop so you can get updates when new designs are added.

You can make a monetary donation to show your support through Ko-fi or PayPal.

I also have a running wishlist on Amazon. Feel free to make purchases here, which will be sent directly to me.

Thank you in advance for your purchases, donations, and gifts. If you include your social media handle, I will be sure to give you a shoutout. Also, if you purchase any of the Blogging Banshee merch from Redbubble, make sure to take a pic of it and tag me once you receive it. i will share on my social media accounts!